ComNet25 Key Dates

  • Early-bird rates available until December 31, 2024

  • ComNet25’s Call for Proposals will open February 3 through April 11, 2025

  • Applications for our 25+ Frank Karel Scholarships will open in mid February and close mid April 2025

  • ComNet25 registration deadline = September 10, 2025 — or until sold out 

  • Hotel room deadline = September 20, 2025 (or until sold out)

General Questions

What is ComNet?

ComNet is the annual gathering of The Communications Network.— three days of ideas, insights, inspiration, connection and fun! ComNet25 will take place in Denver, CO October 15-17, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency Denver!  You can learn more about The Communications Network here.

What is The Communications Network? 

The Communications Network is a vibrant, diverse, and dedicated community of over 3,000 communicators, storytellers, strategists, designers, researchers, producers, and community builders. 

We believe leaders working in communications for good—and the organizations they serve—will be stronger, smarter, and more effective when connected to a diverse network of colleagues, peers, and programs. 

Join The Communications Network to keep the learning and connections going all year round!

Why should I attend ComNet25 Denver?

The field of foundation and nonprofit communications (what we've come to call #comms4good) is always evolving. None of us know it all, and none of us have to go it alone. ComNet gathers our community for foundation and nonprofit leaders in order to help them grow and get better at their work by learning from experts, innovations in our field, and one another. 

96% of attendees rated the ComNet as excellent/very good 

95% said the conference was relevant, useful and helpful to their work

97% appreciated The Network’s strong culture of community and support

Location + Accommodation Questions

When and where is ComNet25?

ComNet25 will happen October 15-17, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency in Denver, Colorado

Where should I stay?

ComNet always sells out and we frequently run out of hotel rooms. That’s why we highly recommend booking your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Denver early. Our discounted ComNet25 group rate of $289 a night is based on availability from Monday, October 13, 2025 through Saturday, October 18, 2025. The deadline to book is September 20, 2025 (or until sold out). 

Registration + Scholarship Questions 


ComNet25 registration is open now! ComNet sells out every year so please make sure to register early to avoid the dreaded waitlist! 

What’s the cost to attend ComNet25? 

Early-bird registration is open until December 31, 2024

Network Member  $1299 $1099

Nonmember   $1999 $1699

Regular pricing for registration is

  • Network Member = $1299 

  • Nonmember = $1999

    Learn more about Network Membership at If you're not sure if you are a member or need to renew, please email Amy Luebbert ( to help you before you register.

May I attend the conference without registering?

No. To ensure the safety and security of all attendees, anyone who would like to attend the conference must be registered.

What does my registration fee include?

  • Access to all conference programing Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

  • Entry to the ComNet25 Welcome Reception on Wednesday evening 

  • A group rate at the conference hotel

  • Access to conference app

  • Learning Lab notes + copies of each ShowCase poster + video + audio recordings of keynotes etc 

  • Conference swag and related conference materials

  • Two breakfasts and one lunch 

  • Tons of coffee

  • New friends and community!

*Registration does not cover the cost of a hotel room, so please reserve your hotel room separately.

Do you offer scholarships?

Thanks to generous support from The Rockefeller Foundation, The Frank Karel Scholarship enables The Communications Network to offer complimentary registrations to nonprofit staffers and communications-focused academics who would not otherwise be able to attend ComNet25. The Frank Karel Scholarship for ComNet25 will open in mid-February and close in the early spring (tentatively mid-April). 

If you were awarded the Karel Scholarship for ComNet24, you are eligible for the alumni rate. If you’re interested, please email Lalissie for more information. 

Can I update my registration? 

You can modify or cancel your registration up until September 10, 2025. Please note a $50 cancellation/change fee will be applied. 

For support regarding registration questions or updates, please contact us at

What’s your refund policy?

You can cancel your ComNet25 registration and receive a full refund (minus a $50 fee) through September 10, 2025. We are unable to offer refunds after September 10, 2025.

Can I bring a friend/partner/guest to The Welcome Reception or ComNet25?

Short answer? No. 

To participate in ComNet25 programming and activities including The Welcome Reception, you must be a registered ComNet25 attendee. For security, we cannot accommodate guests. You will need to show your badge to join sessions, conference meals, receptions, and ComNet25 overall.

Program + Schedule

How do I propose a session/idea for ComNet25?

We’re thrilled you want to contribute to ComNet! If you’d like to share an idea for session topics, or presenters, or have another suggestion to make Denver awesome, please let us know through this form

Our 2025 community call for proposals — for ShowCase Poster sessions — will open in February 2025 with an April 2025 deadline (exact date TBD). 

ShowCase Poster sessions provide attendees an opportunity to learn directly from peers through nearly 100 comms for good case studies from across the field and across a range of issues. 

When should I arrive/depart? 

If you want to participate in attendee-led gatherings or pre-conference activities (including our Day of Service and/or pre-conference panels) starting on October 15 (Wednesday) we recommend you arrive on site by Tuesday. The conference program officially starts Wednesday at the Welcome Reception. The conference programming will wrap up before lunch on Friday, around 12:30 pm. 

What is the schedule/program? 

Our complete/detailed schedule will be released in early summer. Here’s what you can expect/plan for: 

Wednesday October 15 

  • Day of Service throughout the day (if you’d like to participate we recommend coming in Tuesday night)  

  • Pre-Conference Panels and Field Trips throughout the day  

  • Welcome Reception tentatively from 6:00 - 9:00 pm (light hors d'oeuvre and drinks included) 

Thursday October 16 

  • A full day of programming including Keynotes + Learning Labs + ShowCare Poster sessions + Networking @ Night tentatively 8:30 am - 7:00 pm 

  • Breakfast and lunch included 

Friday October 17 

  • Breakfast followed by a half day of programing including Keynotes + Learning Labs + ShowCare Poster sessions

  • The program will wrap around 12:30 pm right before lunch

Accessibility + No Solicitation Policy + Code of Conduct

What accessibility options will you offer? 

The Network will be providing ASL interpreters and remote real-time captioning (CART) for all Keynote Sessions and will be able to provide for Breakout Sessions on request.   

Do you have a Code of Conduct?

Yes, The Communications Network is dedicated to a safe, productive, and harassment-free experience for everyone — online and in-person. You can learn more about that here

What is The Network’s No Solicitation Policy?

ComNet25 is an opportunity to meet new people and network. It is not an appropriate venue for a sales pitch. Here is the complete No Solicitation Policy.

The Communications Network + ComNet Community

Who attends The Communications Network conference?

The ComNet community is made up of leaders from philanthropy and nonprofit institutions in the U.S. — and increasingly around the world. 

Folks join us from 5 continents, and nearly all 50 states. Our attendees represent organizations including the Ford Foundation, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, StoryCorps, the Rockefeller Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, NPR, Democracy Fund, Truth Initiative, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Fair Fight, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Sesame Workshop, The Texas Tribune, The Pittsburgh Foundation, World Wildlife Fund, and hundreds more.

Will I be able to connect with other conference attendees prior to the conference?

Yep! You’ll receive an email in September connecting you with a random array of other lovely, smart folks headed to Denver to get the connections cooking before we come together (if you prefer, you can let us know while registering that you prefer to opt-out of our community connection emails). 

How can I find out who else is attending ComNet25? 

Through our Attendee Directory (shared in late summer 2025), attendee names and organizations are posted to a password-protected page. The password is shared only with conference attendees. 

ComNet is about connection and community — not commerce. That’s why we never share or sell registrants’ names and contact information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, with third parties — and for 45 years The Communications Network has observed a strict no solicitation policy

Attendees will be able to chat and direct message other attendees through the ComNet25 conference app and members will be able to connect all year on The Network Slack.

Sponsorship + Support

How can I support ComNet25?

You can check out our Partner Opportunities packet to learn more about supporting ComNet and Network programs. To discuss partnership opportunities and/or explore ways to support specific Network efforts, please contact Communications Network CEO Sean Gibbons at

I still have a question. How can I get in touch?

Please email us at and we’ll be in touch as quickly as possible.